Housing Inspection Request Form
All fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
*Applicant Name:
*Phone Number:
*Email Address:
*Confirm Email Address:
*Address for Inspection: Permit Search by Address
*Name of Contact Person On Site:
*Site Contact Category:
Name of Company:
*Contact Phone Number:
  Note: For an Alternate Video Inspection (AVI) of occupied dwelling, this number
must connect to a smart phone with Google Meet video conferencing.
*Permit Number(s):  
*What type of inspection are you requesting? (Select one or more)
Building (HO) Accessory (AS) Plumbing (PR) Electrical (ER)
HO Desc AS Desc PR Desc ER Desc
House must be wrapped
*Is this a re-inspection?  
*Was the work started or covered prior to obtaining a permit?  
*Is this an occupied dwelling?  
*Is this an Alternate Video Inspection (AVI)?  
*Have you uploaded the AVI Declaration and AVI Plans?  
Is this for an Emergency Electrical Service Inspection?  
*Is the house wrapped?  

Emergency requests apply to occupied homes requiring the emergency restoration of electrical power. For after-hours emergency electrical service inspections, call 311. Emergency inspections are same day only; they cannot be scheduled in advance.

Electrical service inspections are not eligible for an Alternate Video Inspection and will require an on-site inspection with the permit holder/electrician in attendance.
Interior occupied dwellings that require an inspection of the structure, plumbing and/or electrical can request an "Alternate Video Inspection (AVI) Program", which grants the ability to permitted applicants to live stream video inspection.
Please see the attached AVI Applicant Checklist for requirements and the AVI Declaration must be signed and submitted through Permits Online prior to scheduling an inspection.

Detached accessory structures, solar photovoltaic, air conditioners, and pools or hot tubs that require an interior inspection of the electrical panel inside an occupied home, require an on-site inspection with the permit applicant or homeowner in attendance. Our inspector will conduct the inspection from the exterior only. The permit applicant/homeowner must enter the dwelling and use Google Meet to connect with the on-site inspector.
Please see the attached Occupied Residential Inspections Applicant Checklist for instructions on what to do on the day of your inspection.

The AVI program is available for interior, occupied dwellings. Not all projects are eligible for an AVI. Visit the Alternate Video Inspections webpage for additional details on program eligibility and requirements.

Virtual inspections through our Alternate Video Inspection (AVI) program are available upon request, on select days each week, due to limited demand. By requesting a virtual inspection through the AVI program, you agree that you are requesting a later inspection date that could otherwise be provided in person. Our housing inspection availability page provides information on current availability for Inspection appointments.

Additional Information:
*Preferred Inspection Week:
View current Housing Inspection Availability times.
Select your preferred days and time frames.
Please note that requests are not guaranteed. You will receive an email confirmation.
Inspections are not available on weekends or statutory holidays.

  Morning Afternoon
Tuesday, Feb 18
Wednesday, Feb 19
Thursday, Feb 20
Friday, Feb 21
Monday, Feb 24
Tuesday, Feb 25

24 hours' notice is required when cancelling a scheduled inspection
or a $191.00 fee may be assessed.
Please email ppd‑housing@winnipeg.ca or call 204‑986‑5300 to cancel or reschedule.
Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding statutory holidays.

Your personal information is being collected consistent with the requirements and limitations set out under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). This collection of personal information is authorized by section 36(1)(b) of The FIPPA for permit management and administration. Your information is protected by FIPPA's privacy provisions and will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose, except as authorized by law. Contact the City of Winnipeg's Corporate Access and Privacy Officer by mail (City Clerk's Department, Susan A. Thompson Building, 510 Main Street, Winnipeg MB, R3B 1B9) or by telephone (311) if you have questions about this collection of your personal information.