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Kildonan Park 100th Anniversary - Leave a legacy

Kildonan Park 100th anniversary
Contact information
Tree donation

In honour of the Course's 100th Anniversary, the general public and businesses have the opportunity to donate towards the purchase of a new tree planted on the golf course.

  • For a minimum of $50, donors can contribute towards a $1,000 tree.
  • All donors will be recognized in name only and displayed collectively in the clubhouse.
Minimum $50, no decimals.
Person’s name
Bench donation

All bench donations will be acknowledged collectively with a plaque in the Clubhouse.

  • Donors wishing to include a plaque on their bench may do so for an additional cost of $350.
  • Benches are made of high density polyethylene consisting of 90% post-consumer waste and will be maintained for a minimum 10 years, although benches typically last for many more years.

Current total: $0

You will be re-directed to a secure and trusted payment site.